Daniel's Journal

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18 more days!!!

Date: 12/5/24

How are you guys doing?

I ran into a problem where i can see all of the css on the port but cant see it on the website

I am trying my hardest to fix the bug

Meanwhile, i have been expermenting on the website and will continue to work on free code camp


Tryed to fix the css problem, maybe fixed when you read this

Black Friday

Date: 11/29/24

Hello again, and welcome back to Daniel's website!

I just got the css file to work, after:

1. making the css file from tailwind css, to actual css

2. making sure that the file link was right, and that it actually went into the file


Got the css file to work, I am so happy :)

Happy Thanksgiving!(To those who celebrate it)

Date: 11/28/29

Hello again!

I don't have a lot of time to write this so I am going to be brief and quick

I will keep on working on my ISEE books

I will also keep on working on free code camp, and I am almost done with the css part

looking forward to a movie, popcorn, and a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Still trying to debug the css file error, will fix soon


Date: 11/26/24

Hello there, reader!

I think we need more time in general

For example, in my First lego league team (FLL) we meet once a week.

But... thats not enough.

I will try to find a way to get more time for FLL


Created a css file, will add lots of looks and wonderful text fonts and styles


Date: 11/24/24

Hello Again, fellow reader! I have been working on this webiste called free code camp

I will add css files soon.

But for now I will stick to html.

When I finish free code camp, This website will be seeing a lot of renovations


I will have a new edits after every entery.


Date: 11/21/24


I've never realized how lucky I am to have a website to my self.

I mean like, how many people do you know that own a website?

NEW EDITS(other than updating this with entries):

Made latest entries pop up first, sadly, you now have to scroll to read my first entrie

Need More Time

Date: 11/17/24

Im trying my best to finish the W3schools tutoral for HTML, and plan to move on from there into css and javascript

This is going to be hard since my scedule has little free time.

Now I will try to have sections and make this look like a website.

To do list

1. finish w3schools.

2. Make this website better

3. create a youtube account

Is This Better?

Date: 11/16/2024

Hello again! I am slowly but surely going to make this website better.

Now how do I make a page? ...

Now there is color!

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Hello, World!

Date: 11/11/24

This is the first paragraph in my journal

This is still a work in progress